Thursday, March 20, 2014

Warning… science incoming!

March 20, 2014
Day 300
Dose 1500mg/day

300.  Sounds like it should be a milestone doesn't it?  It is!  We increased the dose yesterday to 1500mg and got some puffy eyes to show for it, but it faded a little at a time and no other symptoms cropped up.  The nurse and I kept a serious watch on him in the hours following the dose, but he's ok.  Nothing like a little mom anxiety to put your workday in perspective!   We also discovered this week that Chipotle uses no nuts in ANYTHING.  Boy that was kind of fun - told the kids to order anything they want on the menu with no reservations!  Very allergy friendly menu for most folks (not for soy, wheat).

So there's your minor update on our oral immunotherapy… now for the science geek out and hopeful research updates:

I've referred several times to the Stanford trials of OIT with multiple food allergens and specifically to the shortened OIT in combination with Xolair.  This supposedly is opening up to 4 other places in the US (although I can't officially find out where, I would imagine Arkansas Childrens, Hopkins, and UNC to be three of them… )   If we could desensitize more folks in far less time (and to up to 5 allergens at once), well wow.  It's frustrating as the news articles hint at things that you can't find on the Stanford or any other university websites, but I know it's all in progress research.  We would be thrilled if the trials were expanded into NC.  Heck we'd consider temporary relocation if we thought we could get into them even in California.  

Stanford blog post about allergy research (talks about the phase 2 Blinded study potential openings and potential future DNA tests that might show if OIT maintenance can be discontinued safely.  (It appears that for peanut allergy that is "cured" there are DNA changes - wow a safety screen test?!)

Presentation by Dr. Burks (formerly Duke, now UNC) on the state of food allergy research 12/18/2013.  This covers lots of the ongoing research for OIT, SLIT (sublingual immunotherapy), the Chinese herbal treatments (FAHF-2), Xolair (omalizumab) combined with OIT for milk allergy and for peanut, baked egg and baked milk trials, 

Blog post about FAHF-2 in combination with OIT (instead of Xolair) - this a great update about not only FAHF-2, but Stanford and Mt. Sinai research collaboration.

Perhaps I should consider a new career - I'm turning into a different kind of geek.  If anyone is as excited as I am about such things, send me a message and I'll show you lots of places to watch for updates.  Or maybe order a shirt from thinkgeek:

Until we meet again...

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